GuestPro Achievements
The Trust We Have Earned
The award is an appreciation of trust from the consistency of working and innovating which we will continue to maintain at all times.

Trust for the Work of the Nation's Children

The Most Outstanding Ubud Local Brand 2018
The Most Outstanding Ubud Local Brand was handed over to GuestPro by the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia AA. Puspayoga at the ubud Royal Weekend Entrepreneur Day 21 July 2018

Ubud Homestay Association Appreciation Day 2018
GuestPro received appreciation from the Ubud Homestay Association as a company that played a role in the development of technology application, especially for Homestays in Ubud.

Ubud Annual Royal Weekend Appreciation Day 2017
GuestPro received appreciation in the Ubud Annual Royal Weekend 2017 event as a local ubud company that plays a role in the development of the application of tourism technology.

Kemenristekdikti Grant Recipients 2017
GuestPro was entrusted as one of the recipients of a grant from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in 2017 amounting to 350 million rupiah through Inbis STIKI Indonesia.

Top 10 Finalists for BRI Digital Talent 2016
GuestPro was included as the top 10 finalists for BRI Digital Talent 2016 from hundreds of participants in Indonesia who took part in the activity.
#1 All in One Integrated Tourism Solution Platform in Indonesia
The Platform for the Work of the Nation's Children with a Commitment to Unceasing Innovation

Ready Integrated Power
With GuestPro, all integrated solutions are faster, easier and more convenient
GuestPro Cloud PMS
Membantu setiap kegiatan operational anda, mencakup aplikasi front office, point of sale, logistic dan accounting. Menjadi aplikasi manajemen hotel terbaik untuk anda.
GuestPro Cloud POS
A complete, accurate, easy and convenient cloud-based restaurant software technology solution is the right choice to manage and improve your Restaurant business.
GuestPro Channel Manager
Menjadi solusi untuk meminimalisir over booking yang terjadi pada hotel, otomatis harga dan ketersediaan kamar ke OTA, sangat mudah dan tepat guna.
GuestPro Booking Engine
The GuestPro Booking Engine makes it easy for guests to check prices, availability and room reservations so that it becomes one of the mandatory weapons to increase direct bookings. Connect with Google Free Booking Links.
CRM & Marketing System
Solusi Check-in Online, CRM lengkap dari segmentasi pelanggan sampai menyediakan solusi pesan otomatis ke email atau whatsapp pada saat selesai booking, pre check-in, check-in atau check-out.
GuestPro Website Builder
GuestPro Website Builder makes it easy for hotels to provide an elegant, informative and SEO Friendly website for easy dissemination of information and promotion of your hotel.
Upsell Booking System
Booking System layanan tambahan seperti Spa, Transportasi, Restoran, Kegiatan, atau layanan lainnya kepada tamu tertentu, hal ini dapat memaksimalkan pendapatan Hotel dan meningkatkan pengalaman tamu.
Membership & Loyalty Program
Manjakan pelanggan anda dengan berbagai rewards menarik pada membership & loyalty program bagi pelangganan hotel anda.
Interested in knowing more about this service?
Please contact us for a free consultation service.