Solusi Inovasi & Teknologi masa kini pada Wr Bubble, konsep Bubble pertama di Indonesia.

Modern Innovation & Technology Solutions on Wr Bubble, the first Bubble concept in Indonesia.

Solusi Inovasi & Teknologi masa kini pada Wr Bubble, konsep Bubble pertama di Indonesia.

Wr. Bubble is the first restaurant concept in Bali and Indonesia. "Bubble" is a concept that is offered to you, a new concept, unique and of course very appropriate for the New Normal.

Wr. Bubble Located on Jl. Raya Denpasar – Bedugul (500 m before Joger Luwus kl from Denpasar direction. The location of Wr. Bubble can be found on the Google Map Application, just type Wr. Bubble, then follow the next instructions..

GuestPro Testimoni
Bli Wayan
Founder Wr. Bubble

“GuestPro is a POS application that is very easy to apply, has complete features that other applications do not have.

Excellent communication between users and application providers, giving us at Wr. Bubble of convenience and quick solutions, if there is a problem in the field.

Taking pride in the extraordinary work of the Balinese Young Generation, we are obliged to provide support for the progress of the nation's children. Congratulations and Good Luck for GuestPro.”

GuestPro is very proud to be able to provide support to Wr Bubble from the start. Our latest technology implementation allows Wr Bubble to perform the following operations:

Multi Cashier with Complete POS features

Wr Bubble can provide multi-device cashiers that are always in sync with the GuestPro IoT Box technology even when the internet is having problems.

Taking Order (5 Devices) Using Application.

The process of taking orders, which has been using paper so far, can be saved by using an application. The hi-tech impression can also be seen with the implementation of the taking order app at the Wr Bubble restaurant.

Our application can still be used even without internet.

Large restaurants certainly cannot tolerate cloud systems being inaccessible due to internet problems, with GuestPro Cloud POS, even when the cloud has problems with the internet, Wr Bubble can still make transactions.

Automatically split print orders to both the Kitchen and Bar.

The process of taking orders from the application has been directly integrated with automatic printing for orders made either to the Bar or Kitchen available on Wr Bubble.

Direct integration with Inventory and Accounting.

All operational activities that occur are directly integrated with the accounting module so that there is no need for double input for data to the accounting application on Wr Bubble.

We are very grateful for all clients who are willing to use our services for client trust is a mandate for us to continue to be committed to developing and improving support and services.

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